Group Editor (Contacts)

Updated: 18.05.2015, 21:56 Uhr by [ADMIN] One of Twelve (ADMIN-41640) - URL:

A Group is just a small "Mailing list" of settlers, which you can arrange for you: it contains only the ID numbers of settlers that you have added to the list. There are predefined groups of players and so-called "system groups". The Group Editor is a central tool in Stne as settlers created lists are very versatile and universally applicable: settler groups that can attach itself to your space stations, or those that you regularly send transmissions, etc.

The most important "group editor," you will find Creating (path | | communication | contact | group). There you "groups" (Settlers' lists) to lay, which may consist of Einzelsiedlern, alliances, or sub-groups. (This may, however, no alliances are formed or defined!). All of you created "groups" are your personal lists and can not be accessed or used by other settlers. You can always add a new "Create group" and lists compiled Edit or delete it.
(menu-start) (menu-item | # own | A separate new group
(menu-item | # Defined | Predefined Groups: Recipients, Dockplan, coordinate list, SKN-channel)
(menu-item | # System | System -groups)
menu-item) (| # Edit | Edit of groups / Exclusion
(menu-item | # Examples | Examples : Transmission, Dockplan, coordinate list) (menu-end) (top)

1 A separate new group

My Group you can always create yourself at (path | | Communication | Contacts), where your personal contact list will be maintained:

To define a new group, you give her at (path | | group) First create a name and then click on (path) | | Build. The created group is now in place and appears at the bottom of your list, but it is still empty:

To fill this newly created group of settlers and alliance IDs, they must be edited. For this you change the button (hoverimage | edit | Edit Group at (path) | | B (Edit) in the (path) | |) Manage Contacts window, where are all gruppenfähigen Elements to this empty group can add or remove it afterwards:

If you have received the required settlers (sub-) groups and / or alliances in your newly created group, then you can click on each entry (path | | U (Invert)) (hoverimage | settings | Invert) permissions reverse of (path | | provided) to (path | | deny), and of course the other way around. These are entries that further down the list, a higher priority than the upper. Thus in the list above, you can insert an alliance, including but a single alliance member again excluding refuse ((path | |)).

Never forget , for saving your group, click above on (path | | Apply) - otherwise you lose, the compiling and again have to start from scratch!

See also:
(linkbutton | 155 | Contacts) (top)

2 Predefined Groups: Recipients, Dockplan, coordinate list, SKN-Channel

Predefined Groups are available from the outset in Stne, ie they do not need to be created. Into it can, however, in addition to individual settlers and alliances, even your own created groups (as it were to be hineingeladen as "sub-groups"). Your personal contact list at (path | | Communications | Contact here ) is not a group - it can only define groups and thus is the most important Group Editor .

There are 4 built-in (empty) Group:

1. Recipient list for transmissions:

2. Dockplan at space stations:

3. Coordinate lists :

4. SKN-Channel :

3 System -groups

Under Systems Group within groups that you can not erase that exist so ever. Such a system group is the group (path | | Any), automatically to all registered players Stne contains.

You can bring in each group combinations that are included Stne all players in each group. Therefore it is always very bottom: Then you can click on (path | | U (Invert)) (hoverimage | settings | Invert) permissions for all Stne player from (path | | provided) to (path | | Denied), of course, vice versa. Do not forget click on (path | |) to Apply!

4 Edit of groups / Exclusion

You can with Groups be a lot, for example, There is the possibility of reversing in a group or individual entries of a group of their justification: deny (path | |).

Entries of a group (path | | grant it) / (path | |) you refuse to edit their privileges in the respective "group" view (Dockpläne, coordinates lists of privileges). For a whole group the permissions you distribute them at (path | | Communication | Contacts), ie, in most Group Editor :

Now you change the button (hoverimage | edit | Edit Group at (path) | | B (Edit) in the (path) | |) Manage Contacts window:
Normally all messages have a group on (path | | Type: Allowance). In order to achieve certain effects, you can this state (path | | U (Invert)) (hoverimage | settings | Invert) and go to (path | | Type: Denied), and vice versa.

Basically mind that always the settings of the lower list items have higher priority and decide. So if on top of an entire alliance (path | | Type: Allowance) stands including one of its members at (path | | Type: Denied) then all members of this alliance permission - except the 1 member belongs to!

Do not forget click to save the settings for this group on (path | |) to Apply!

5 Examples : Transmission, Dockplan, coordinate list

    (menu-item | Sample # 1 | Groups : general exclusion) (menu-item | Sample # 2 | transmissions : Recipient list) (menu-item | Example # 3 | space stations : Dockplan) (menu-item | Sample # 4 | coordinate lists : permissions)

1. Groups : general exclusion

You want an alliance with a group, have 2 players, however, exclude this alliance for some reason:
Whenever you use this group for something that will be granted what the alliance refused, the two players 1 and 2: So the reception of a Transmissison which Andockerlaubnis to your space station or the insight into one of your galactic coordinate lists. The important thing is: more entries in the list below are of a higher quality as the top entries.

Of course you can also achieve the opposite, adding the inserted Alliance (path | |) refuse, but Player 1 and Player 2 the access path (| |) grant it. So you can for example grant from an alliance with which you have (link) | 142 | Trade Treaty, only 2 of its members a Andockerlaubnis for your space station.

2. Transmissions : Recipient List

You want a (link | 157 | Transmission) send it to an alliance, but 2 players this alliance will not receive for some reason this transmission. Edit the "Recipient list" of your transmission as follows:
The important thing is the sequence in the recipient field: the individual refusals to follow after of the overall alliance-approval!

If you will send this transmission now, it will be important for all members of the alliance - except for players 1 and 2

You can also one of the first two players to enter the beneficiary IDs, and then choose to select (hoverimage | scan | addressees) ((path | | recipients click)) - so you come to a small group editor, where are the Alliance and 2, Players can add. Then you put the alliance with hoverimage (| up | Up to the top) and (path | |) the two players refuse permission. Then do not forget click on (path | | accept), otherwise you will lose this (temporary) compilation.

Such temporary recipient lists are not permanently stored. Should you need a certain receiver combination often, most specially create a new group that you can always add in a Transmissison. Besides, you can then directly from the (path) | | Contacts oversight to the desired group on the small button (path | | M (message) () hoverimage | send | Transmission write) and click so that a new transmission to these recipients Leave-group.

(linkbutton | 157 | transmissions)

3. Space stations : Dockplan

You want that allowed except your own alliance and 2 settlers, with whom you have contracts that no one at one or all of your dock link (| 130 | Space stations):
The important thing is the order of the list: the permits must be followed by the general denial!

Now you can easily group them in the Dockplan your space station (s) and paste (path) | | Copy.

The practical thing in this process that you only once such a "docking Create Group" and have to use it then all your space stations as "Dockplan" can. Could you also, for example several "docking create groups" and then replace, depending on the situation (peace, war, state of emergency or similar market) in the Dockplänen your space stations. In addition, it can also jump out of the (path) | | Contacts oversight to the desired group on the small button (path | | M (message) () hoverimage | send | Transmission write click) and thus a transmission to these recipients group .
(linkbutton | 130 | Space Stations)

4. Coordinate lists : permissions

Basically works just like Example 2: Transmission , except you here Einsehberechtigungen for your self-created (link | 148 | coordinate lists) can define:
The important thing is the order of the list: the refusal must be in accordance with the (group follow) permits!

See also:
(linkbutton | 148 | Coordinates Administration) (linkbutton | 147 | Star Cartography) (linkbutton | 48 | Coordinates teaching)
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