Level 8 - What now?

Updated: 01.10.2023, 23:26 Uhr by Schatten EMPIRE (50) - URL: game.en.stne.net/Manual.aspx?id=91

The long awaited [Colonisation level 8] has been reached. The Federation expresses complete faith in you and releases the Antimatter Technology in the final colonisation level. So you have new complex buildings at your disposal, the one that will interest you most is the Research Center:
After you have built it on a grass field, you should click on it and look in the long " Research List " to see what you can research. We don't want to give away too much here, but this building will keep you busy for a long time.

Was that all now?

Yes - and No!

Yes, if you see STNE as just a strategy and building game.

Further research, which would then enable new buildings or new spaceships, would only delay reaching the ultimate stage of development (everything researched and a lot of big warships).
No, because STNE is a [RPG] (RPG), as it was meant to be.

Now it's your turn at the latest - you should try to bring this game to life for you. Interact with other settlers or the [NPCs], react to their actions, come up with your own actions, surprise us and yourself.

The colonies founded and built, the ships built, the research carried out: all of this is just a basis on which the role play is based. There are many ways to dispel the monotony of collecting ore and deuterium.

The central tool here is the SCN:
  SCN Channels  

There are also the following options:

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