Role-Playing Game (RPG)

Updated: 18.05.2015, 21:58 Uhr by [ADMIN] One of Twelve (ADMIN-41640) - URL:

Roleplay (RPG = Role Play Game) is, along with [Colonies], [Space Ships], the [Alliance System] and [Diplomacy], one of the most important elements of gameplay in the Delta-Quadrant of "SpaceTrek: The New Empire" (STNE). Roleplay is similar to acting: you adopt the role of your character(s), and consistently behave accordingly thereafter in the game. Thus, you help create the essence of the STNE game-world environment - by deviating from your regular life (RL = Real Life). In a roleplay game, fictitious characters are thus played, who experience adventures in a most fantastic world. It is comparable to the roles actors play while using a script.

In STNE, you play as a nation of settlers, and exchange roleplay messages when interacting with other empires of the Delta-Quadrant. Many of STNE's various settler nations are named after those found in the fictional worlds of "trekkie" television series such as "Enterprise," "Deep Space Nine," and "Voyager." Many other names have come from all manner of science fiction and fantasy fiction sources. Over private or public communication channels, players always represent their nations through roleplay: from making "political statements", to engaging in commerce, to narrating their peoples' adventures, to even sharing experiences in bars and clubs.

  1.   What is Roleplay (RPG)?

  2.   Example of a STNE "Distress Call" using roleplay


1.   What is Roleplay (RPG)?

With roleplay (RPG), you slip into the role of another person - namely your gaming figure, your "character". The details of your fictitious (fictional) character(s), their sex and age, their race and past, their strengths and weaknesses - this is all purely and simply left to you and your imagination alone. If you play as the ruler of your empire, or at another time as a space ship captain - roleplay offers you many opportunities for great fun. The main point is to allow your roleplay efforts with fellow players to be convincing and entertaining, wherein a periodic shot of humor should not be lacking.

How your character came into prominence, whether elected or as a dictator, whether it is a spiritual guide, or whether it is something completely unique, whether your dictator is overthrown, or your president is ousted, all such decisions are entirely left to you. You can at any time slip from the role of one of your characters into the role of another, in addition it is not necessary to close your existing account to do so.

The appeal of the game is to create a “virtual reality” in which each player can realize his role and the unique features of his character in the Delta-Quadrant. In roleplay there is no "winner" - more specifically, there are only winners because all parties to such events are "comrades-in-arms".

Your Empire and your Character(s):

At the beginning of your career in the Delta-Quadrant you should invent at least 1 figure (a character) which you will put into play. This character does not need to have anything to do with your real personality - otherwise it would hardly complement warlike Klingons, cold-blooded Vulkans, or evil Pirates in the Delta-Quadrant.

As a settler, you control an Empire with several colonies in the Delta-Quadrant, which you should provide with an appropriate name, e.g. “The Enormous Empire”. Now, no one can naturally address you in roleplay as “Mr. The Enormous Empire”. You should also consider a character who will lead your Enormous Empire, e.g. an Imperator Rick Enormous or a President Rita Enormous. In order to give the other players a chance to imagine your character, you should accurately attribute, and describe, several salient characteristics in your Character Description section. With this character you then step out as a young colonial leader in the Delta-Quadrant. You record the sex of your main character in your [message] option, under "Preferences".

Over time your empire will grow and prosper. It will reach out to contact its neighbors, will create additional colonies on uninhabited planets, will build various ships and space stations, will come into contact with the established great powers for the fun of it, etc. Your imagination and that of your fellow players will work together building exciting and varied stories to "experience" and to describe.

STNE is a Roleplay Game of Strategy:

Naturally, such a small and "insignificant" group of new settlers should not necessarily take-on the large and "evil" dictator next door, at least not without securing for itself assistance from other DQ-powers. Likewise, you should not recklessly declare war against a [NPC-Superpower] - it may well be that this superpower will turn the war against you - with all the resulting consequences. That goes also for [Alliances], the larger of which have 10 or more fellow players (see under "Communication" --> "Alliances" --> "List Alliances").

It is perhaps pleasing for some to read that various vessels can be built in your shipyard, and then placed into orbit without being molested. For as long as this is the only thing happening there, your neighbors should only be interested in your storyline - not in your ship building. That is, until you threaten them. For interactive roleplay, technical play conditions should also be present: if you visit another group of settlers to handle [Diplomacy], you should also have a spaceship in the orbit of one of its colonies. If you describe your attack fleet in shimmering colors, you should also have a corresponding quantity of spaceships at your disposal. Otherwise, someone could remark that you are only bluffing..


2.   Example of a STNE "Distress Call" (S.O.S.) using roleplay}

Good examples of roleplay message presentations are found in the first 3 public [SCN Channels] listed under "Communication":

We will now post a distress call in the 3rd public SCN Channel "S.O.S." as a RPG example:

Now, before you post here, your spaceship must actually be stranded in space… You transmit a distress call by clicking the button, "Write new message":

Coordinates data:
The x- and y-data for galactic coordinates should always be separated with a vertical line “|” (Pipe = ALTgr + <) - this makes the position data click-active within all STNE texts, i.e. when clicked, they automatically open [Stellar Cartography] in a new browser window, precisely centering the star map on these coordinates.

No game-technical terms:
If you want to address other colonists, avoid the game-technical term, "Player" - instead use “Settler” or “Colonist” in roleplay. The use of game-mechanical terms such as "Round" or "Tick" is likewise forbidden - use “Cycles” or “Sidereal Time Units” as a roleplay term. Further terms, which you should avoid: "Game", "Points", "Account", "Admin", etc. Also the posting of Log File entries is forbidden in SCN contributions - see also the [ SCN - Guidelines].

Reworking your SCN contribution:
During the first 5 minutes after publishing your SCN contribution you can recall it back to the "Preview"-window to make corrections. A small button, "Contribution edit" , will appear over your published contribution text right next to your sender name. A proofreading to ensure the correct representation of your message is always recommended.

Bookmarks set:
Displaying your SCN contribution marks it as "last read": in addition, the small button, ("Bookmarks set"), will appear over your published contribution text right next to your sender name. If you then return to the SCN Channel Overview, you can then monitor the "New" column to determine whether you have received any answers to your request for assistance in the S.O.S. channel:

Beginner Version:
Dieser kurze Text mag dazu führen, dass dein Schiff abgeschleppt oder versorgt wird, aber Rollenspiel hast du damit nicht betrieben - stattdessen hast du als Spieler mit anderen Spielern "gechattet" (Konversation betrieben). Aber im SKN-Channel "Notruf" ist RPG (Rollenspiel) vorgeschrieben, außerdem wird Siedlern, die ein nettes, kleines Rollenspiel betreiben, lieber geholfen als anderen, die nur einen kurzen Satz dazu schreiben.

Advanced Version:

Beginnen wir mit deinem Rollenspiel: Versetze dich einmal genauer in die Situation des Captains deines Schiffes - dein Kolonieschiff ist in den Weiten des Weltalls gestrandet, die Nahrungsvorräte gehen zu Ende, einen Nahrungs-Replikator gibt es an Bord nicht, und selbst wenn: er würde nicht funktionieren, da deinem Raumschiff der Treibstoff (Deuterium) ausgegangen ist und der Reaktor folglich keine Energie mehr erzeugen kann. Was machst du nun als Captain?

Wie heißt dein Kolonieschiff überhaupt? Nennen wir es "New Hope". Bist du vieleicht gleichzeitig der Herrscher über diese Siedlergruppe? Gehen wir mal davon aus, dass dem nicht so ist: du spielst also nur den Captain in dieser Situation. Dein Kolonieschiff befindet sich auf der Suche nach anderen unbewohnten Planeten. Dein Captain hat entweder nicht aufgepasst und zu wenig Treibstoff mitgenommen, oder er hat sich verflogen (ein "Navigationsfehler"). Was macht er also? Wie heißt er überhaupt? Vorschlag: Cpt. Jonathan Morgan. Dein Captain begibt sich sichtlich aufgeregt zur allgemeinen Kommunikationsanlage und sendet einen Notruf an den ganzen Delta-Quadranten, der alle notwendigen Angaben enthält und die Situation deines gestrandeten Schiffes eindringlich schildert:

Experienced Version:

Wenn du den anderen Spielern die Situation noch konkreter und "realistischer" schildern willst, dann versuche das in Textform zu beschreiben, was du dir in deiner Fantasie vorstellst. Dabei trennst du die Beschreibung der Situation von dem, was deine Spielfiguren sagen, z.B. mit einer kursiven Formatierung <i>...Beschreibung...</i>:

Expert Version:

Wenn du genügend Zeit, Lust und Fantasie hast, kannst du größere, detailliertere RPGs entwerfen und alleine oder zusammen mit anderen Siedlern den ganzen Delta-Quadranten über Wochen in Spannung halten und unterhalten. Aber du kannst auch aus kleinsten Situationen wie dem SKN-Notruf ein unterhaltsames Rollenspiel mit anschaulichen Details entwickeln:

Der HTML-formatierte Text dazu:

Natürlich muss so ein schneller, kleiner Notruf nicht immer ausgestaltet sein. Trotzdem solltest du auch kurze Beiträge so "professionell" gestalten, dass ein entsprechendes Flair, eine passende Atmosphäre aufkommt:

Nun hast du hoffentlich eine Vorstellung davon bekommen, was unter "Rollenspiel" zu verstehen ist, und kannst ein Gefühl für RPG entwickeln.

Für die SKN-Kanäle mit RPG (Rollenspiel) gelten besondere Regeln, damit diese einen reinen Spielcharakter behalten. Das gilt insbesonders für die ersten 3 Kanäle des [SKN]: "Main-Channel", "Archiv historischer Dokumente" und "Notruf" - siehe dazu hier im STNE-Handbuch das [SKN-Gesetzbuch].


---> See also:
  Text formatting  
  Creating settler names  
  SCN - Channels  
  SCN - Guidelines  
  Rules of the game  

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