Level 4 - Expansion

Updated: 01.10.2023, 23:25 Uhr by Schatten EMPIRE (50) - URL: game.en.stne.net/Manual.aspx?id=89

You have now achieved Colonization Level 4 .

At level 3 you should have developed your planet into a well-maintained and independent agricultural colony with both an energy surplus and a production of building materials. For your further development, these conditions should be met .

  1.   1. Aim: Colonization Level 4 - Building a Duranium Factory

  2.   2. Aim: Colonization Level 5 - Construction of complex buildings, for example Flow Turbines and Workbee Spaceport

  3.   3. Aim: Colonization Level 6 - Departure into space, for example Solar Satellites and Hydrolysis Factories

  4.   4. Aim: Colonization Level 6 - Colonization of another planet

  5.   5. Aim: Colinozation Level 6 - Colonization of an Asteroid


1.   Colonization Level 4: Ore and Duranium

1. Aim: Building a Duranium Factory:

From Colonization Level 4, the material "Duranium" is very useful. This material is a metal that can not be obtained directly, but must be produced. The raw material used in the production of Duranium is "Iridium-Erz". This ore can basically only be used for 3 purposes: Duranium, operation of research centers (level 8) and in an "industrial replicator" (level 7) to convert them into food and building materials. Duranium is needed for all buildings, complex orbital structures, and in the construction of spaceships.

Iridium Ore used for Duranium can be obtained 2 ways: with Mines in colonies and with spaceships, that have "Ore Collectors", in Asteroid Fields.

Alternative 1 - Ore Mining on your Colony:

At Colonization Level 4, your workers can obtain Iridium-Ore from the mountains on your colony. For this you must first build a Mine:
If there are not enough workers, or not enough energy, the mine will not be automatically put into operation. It will remain in operation unless the colony's power production decreases.

On your Standard Planet (Class M) the "ore" = 6, then the yield per mine is at 6 Iridium ore per cycle (round / tick). For the permanent and autonomous operation of a Duranium Factory on your own Standard Planet the operation of 2 mines is necessary. Note that mines are operated with 4 workers who need both a place to sleep (active living) as well as 1 Food for survival. It also provides a mine that can operate again, if not enough energy is produced on the respective colony.

Option 2 - Iridium Ore Mining with Ore Freighters in Asteroid Fields:

At Level 4 you can obtain 2 Antares ore-carriers from the Federation (NPC = Non-Player Character) by requesting under "HELP" --> "Request Vessels". 10 Rounds must pass between the 1st and 2nd Antares request. If one of the freighters are lost while you are below colonization level 8, you can immediately re-apply for a replacement. At Level 7 you can build additional Antares freighters in your own shipyard.

Antares Ore Freighter:
Build Ship-
Crew EPS-
Phaser Heat
Torpedoes Special
80 10 5 50 100 6 800 20 2 6
24 in Ore
  5 firing
10 storage
Ore collectors

Once you are able to apply for a spaceship, you will get a notice on the "Main Screen" saying:
For each ship you request, you will be deducted 50 "Internal Reputation" points, but it is already loaded with crew, energy, and some resources.

The requested Antares Ore Collector is at a Supply Station (SP) the Federation has deployed - but you must first choose which SP you want to pick up the ship from:
Make sure you choose carefully the Supply Station that is closest to your home colony, so that your route is as short as possible. Next you need to confirm your selection with "Select". If you forget to make a selection on either the supply station or ship class, then you will receive the error "There must be a selection made". Otherwise, you will receive the confirmation "Ship was delivered to" and the new Antares ore freighter will appear in your list at "SHIPS". For more tips on dealing with ships requested please read the [Apply for Vessels].

Antares-class ships are excellent for cargo: they have a hold for 800 goods, and over 50 EPS tanks, and they can travel in a cycle of 2 x 50 = 100 sectors (if their reserve battery is discharged between). their specialty, however, it their "Ore Collectors", With which you can melt Iridium-Ore in small and large asteroid fields.

With 1 Energy, the ore collectors on an Antares vessel collect 6 Iridium-Ore in the sector or a Large Asteroid Field and 3 Iridium-Ore while in the sector of a Small Asteroid Field. The ship does not need to stand in orbit of the Asteroid. While mining, the collector heats up the phaser banks of the vessel +1. Although an Antares has a maximum Phaser heating of 6 (it can shoot a total of 6 times per tick), it allows the use of ore collectors to use a maximum Phaser Heating of 24. It can therefore use up to 24 Energy per round for use in its Ore Collectors. The phaser will then cool off at a rate of -4 per tick. You can then either use the 4 in its Ore Collector, or wait for 6 cycles, until the heat on the phaser is at 0. Since the Antares has a reactor power of 6 it uses 6 Deuterium per tick to produce 6 Energy per tick stored in its EPS-Tanks when its sensors and shields are turned off and all 5 Crew on board.

For successful ore mining in Asteroid Fields, it is neccessary to:

Using Antares to mine ore in asteroid fields requires scrupulous planning. How many resources do you need per 1 day of mining (5 Ticks): How much deuterium and how much food does the Antares have onboard and how many times do you come online to use the ore collectors. How often do you bring the ore to your colony and replenish your Antares with fresh food and deuterium. How much energy do you need, etc.

The Antares is an ore freighter whose phaser cools 20 per day (5 x -4), so it uses 20 energy daily to collect ore. In a small asteroid Field it collects 60 Ore (in large asteroid fields, of course, twice as much). Therefore, the ship will need daily 20 deuterium to recharge it EPS tanks again. In 1 weeks (7 x 5 cycles) an Antares can collect maximum of 420 ore at small Asteroid - provided you go online 1 time every 6 ticks and set the maximum ore on a collector. For this period, you had to take 35 food on board and 140 deuterium, plus another for Deuterium energy to return and beaming to / from the colony.

See also:
  Collect ore  

When you have enough Iridium ore in your Cargo Bay, you can transport it to your home colony. There you can refine it into Duranium using a Duranium Factory:

A Duranium Factory uses 6 energy and 4 workers to produce 4 Duranium from 12 ore. So the equivalent of 1 Duranium uses 3 ore and 1.5 energy. If there are not 4 citizens available to become workers, the colony is not producing an additional 6 energy, or there isn't at least 12 Iridium ore in stock, the Duranium Factory will not begin to operate.

An important side effect of any Duranium Factory is that it causes a decrease of -4 in the [Local Attractiveness] of a colony [appeal], which may cause people to become "unhappy" and cause a "revolt". To keep them on each colony, the attractiveness and the consequent satisfaction of your workers are important, or additional migrants wont migrate to the colony.

You will always need Plasteel and Duranium for all complex buildings, orbital facilities and for construction of spaceships.

Balanced Management:

With this new system the supply of deuterium is important. Now with a 2nd Management system established, things must be balanced. The ore mining consumes energy and food for the workers and/or the ship crew. For ore freighters, deuterium is used for EPS charging. The ore is in turn used in addition with more energy and food to operate the Duranium plant(s) whose product is then used for the construction of complex buildings.

Example of Duranium Production:

Let's say you have 2 Duraniuma Factory's in production on your home colony, in each tick they produce 8 Duranium. Now if we consider what is needed for consumption per tick and:

2 Dura-Factory:
  8 Workers
12 Energy
24 ore
  8 Housing = 2 Farms or 1 House
  2 Energy to operate them
  1.6 food to feed the workers

2 Mines for 12 ore per tick:
  8 Workers
  6 Energy
  8 Housing = 2 Farms or 1 House
  2 Energy to operate them
  1.6 food to feed the workers

1 Antares Freighter in a small asteroid field for 4 x 3 = 12 ore per tick:
  5 Crew
  1 Food
  4 Deuterium
  1 Deuterium per sector traveled
  1 Deuterium for beaming to and from the colony(Ore, Food, Deuterium)

Total for 8 Duranium per tick:
24 Iridium-ore
  5 Crew
16 Workers
16 Housing
  4.2 food (For a total of 21 Workers)
  6 Deuterium (ship)
22 Energy (at least, without a Ship)

Remember, that each tick needs to generate the required 22 Energy, workers, housing, and food - and this in turn requires energy. In order to operate 2 mines and 2 Duranium Factories, you would need, for example, 11 Solar Cells, and in turn need 11 people with 11 housing and 2.2 food. So add 3 energy so at least 1 solar cell more... etc.

By now you realize that the STNE is a complex economic simulation game requiring planning, foresight and flexibility.

Generating sufficient energy should be your main concern. In return you'll advance to the next levels of colonization and further options, which differ in their productiveness and their effort. On the last Colonization Level 8 you will be able to apply the most abundant form of energy, The Warp Core, which are operated with 2 Antimatter, 2 Deuterium and 1 Dilithium. Attempts to go far with very little effort benefit you the most by the opportunities given to you.


2.   Colonization Level 5: Complex Buildings and Workbee-Spaceport

2. Ziel: Colonization Level 5 - Construction of complex buildings, i.e. Flow Turbines and Workbee Spaceport:

To be continued ...

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